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Make Money With These Creative Ideas

We all want to make money. And at times it may seem difficult and feel like you’re working towards a dead end. But the secret to earning money is not simply working, but also working smart. You need to get creative in the ways you are earning money.

If you’re here to read and know about creative ways to earn money and become self-sufficient, you’re off to a good start. Without any further delay, let’s get right into it. We start with:

Google AdSense

Everyone working in the technology industry knew that Google would be the next big thing, given the pace at which it was growing. But no one expected it to grow into what it has become now: to an extent that it would become a source of income for millions of people around the globe.

Now there are several private institutes that teach how to properly make a living out of using Google AdSense. You can opt for it, but it’s not really needed. It’s still relatively new and has quickly become one of the most popular methods of online marketing.

You can look up how to learn Google Adsense and learn in a matter of days. Afterward, it’s your practice and how you use it that you will be able to earn from it. You can work as a freelance Google Adsense expert or join a brand. The choice is yours.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is also a creative way to earn. To those who don’t know, affiliate marketing is when you talk about a product on your website in order to sell it.

Each purchase made via the link provided on your website will earn you some commission. How much you earn via affiliate marketing depends on the field you’re working in. If you are working in the financial industry where you sell financial tools and partake in online brokerages, you earn a good commission out of this.

This does not, however, mean that you can’t earn in other niches. There are people who earn via affiliating marketing by promoting books. They also earn a lot. It’s also about the field you’re interested in. If you already have an interest, learning affiliate marketing and earning via it will be a piece of cake.

Sponsored Posts

Heard of the Influencers? Although this shouldn’t come as a surprise, what if you get to know that the influencers earn a lot via sponsored posts? A sponsored post is when a person makes a social media post on their account and talks about the product in it.

Sometimes it’s plain marketing where the influencer is direct that you should buy a company’s products. If it’s a cosmetic product, they will have a short video of them using a product and then recommend it. And sometimes it’s done more subtly where the post talks about a topic but hints at a brand’s product.

This is generally a part of the brand’s marketing campaign. Either way, you can become an influencer in a field you’re interested in and also earn a lot via sponsored posts.

Freelance Writing

For the wordsmiths, freelance writing is one of the best ways to make a living. This does not even require a huge financial investment. Almost everyone has a laptop or at least a desktop at their home.

All you need the computer to have is Microsoft Office. You can take up projects and write for websites and people. If you take a look around, you will find that there is a lot of written content out there.

Blogs are being written every day and new companies are opening every day, and you can be the one providing the writing service. Additionally, writing is very liberating and creative. The good thing about it is that since there is no shortage of work, you can take up as many projects or as few as you want.

The only limitation in earning via freelance writing is what you put it. And the most interesting thing about this profession is that as you write more and you become a known name in the industry, you can increase your price some years down the line because you’ll be known for delivering certain quality.

So the same amount which you were earning from writing 5 blogs, you can earn by writing one because that’s the level you’re working at now. Your income will steadily increase.

Freelance Graphic Designer

This is similar to freelance writing, just with a lot of graphics involved. The rise in digital media has increased the requirement of digital graphics globally.

Now every brand has a website and a public reputation. They share digitally-made posts every day on their social media to increase their customers and also maintain the ones they have.

Businesses also have their websites on which they are regularly adding new stuff. All of this needs proper planning to present it in a manner that’s pleasing to the eyes and easy to read.

The planning and designing work is done by graphic designers. Photoshop is a common tool used to make graphics. And it’s software that you can learn at home for free.

You will easily find plenty of tutorials online, from basic to advanced on how to use Photoshop. You can start your career with this skill and build it in a direction you’re interested in.


Teaching is a noble profession, and we need more teachers in the world. If you have any kind of expertise in any field, formal or informal, you can also become a teacher.

Even if you know how to use Google Adsense, you can become a teacher of that subject. A fair question to ask here is, if there are already plenty of teachers in every field, what is the need for more?

What you should understand here is that every teacher has a different method of teaching, and every student learns differently. When you become a teacher, you will bring something new to the table.

As a result, for students who find the other teachers on the subject boring, you will be a teacher for them who will simplify a subject to make it easier for them to understand.

In all honesty, you will be a life savior for them. But most importantly, you will earn a good amount every month from teaching.

Sell Leads

Let’s explain this using the example stated in the previous point: teaching. When you decide to become a teacher, you will promote your business via word of mouth or website.

In either of the ways, you will generate leads that will become your students. As you continue teaching and keep on looking for more students, you will reach a point where you cannot take on more students in your batches after a certain limit.

However, this does not mean that you have to let go of students. What you can do here sell those leads to another teacher who’s looking for more students.

Here, you will actually be doing 2 things here: First, helping out someone who’s new in the field but whose work you like; Second, you will make money by selling this leads to someone else.

This way, not only are you giving back to the community you work in by helping out someone who could use more students and is doing good work in their field, but you are also earning money via this method.

Teaching is just an example. Any field you work in, you can always sell the leads that are more than what you can have on your plate and make some money out of it.

Make Online Courses

Most people have moved to learn online. There are now several platforms that specialize in providing online courses for people to learn from.

These courses are in any and every field. You only have to type something in their search bar and find a galore of classes, masterclasses, and courses. All of it is available for you to watch at a pace you’re comfortable in and learn something new.

You can be the one making online courses. It’s basically teaching, but done online. Anything you have specialization in, you can make a course for it. Be it chess, comedy, book writing, scriptwriting, thermodynamics, optics, or any other topic in the world.

There are people who want to learn what you know, and you can make it easier for them by making an online course. An Interesting thing is, you can do it while teaching students in batches.

By doing both, you are maximizing your income. What’s even better is that unlike teaching students in person, making an online course is a one-time investment.

Once you make it and put it up on a platform, it’s a steady income and you won’t even have to work daily for it. The more takers there are for your course, the more you will earn.

Sell Stuff Online

Answer this question: What’s the thing internet is mostly used for? Selling, buying, and marketing.

That’s what everyone is doing on the internet. They are selling stuff and ideas, and people are buying. What do influencers do by making a sponsored post? They sell. What are brands with sassy social media presence doing on the internet? They are selling.

Everyone on the internet is selling something and making money out of it. So can you. Find what you’re passionate about, or what you’re good at, and sell that.

There are local bakeries in every city which are better and more affordable than any other big brand. The same goes for home décor items and other things. If you have any kind of skill, use it and sell stuff online.

If you don’t have anything specific skill or thing to sell, you can sell excess stuff you have at home that you don’t need anymore. That is exactly what garage sales are. Take that garage sales online when you can and you’ll earn some extra bucks.

Sell Adspace On Youtube + AI + (_________________)

Selling ad space on YouTube is how every YouTuber earns money. Creators upload videos, brands pay YouTube to put their ads before and between videos.

More people visit your page to view your videos, more ads they watch, and more money you earn. It’s a simple business that millions of people around the world have made a living out of.

If you have ever used YouTube you know there are videos on every topic. From entertainment to information, everything’s available on YouTube.

Pick a field that catches your fancy and start making videos on it. After a few years of rigorous efforts in making videos, you’ll reach a stage where you don’t have to make any more videos. All the videos you have uploaded till now will keep a steady income coming.

Brand Sponsorships

Brand sponsorships is one of the oldest and most effective ways of earning money.

Let’s explain it through an example. If you spend some time watching live streams on YouTube or Twitch, you will observe that the stream generally has a brand name somewhere on the screen throughout the video.

Every now and then, the streamer will also talk about the brand and its products. Sometimes it’s subtle enough that the brand name stays throughout the stream but there’s no mention of the brand, that’s also brand sponsorship.

You can even do it on YouTube apart from selling ad space. You will see many videos on YouTube in which they state it clearly that the video you’re watching has been sponsored by a brand. Somewhere in the video – ideally in the middle or the end – they will talk about the brand. All of this is done via brand sponsorships.

Once you have a certain social media presence because of your work, brands will begin reaching out to you for collaboration. By marketing their products in what you do on your social media, you will earn a living for yourself.

Write a Book/eBook

There was a time when getting a book published was a difficult task. Not so anymore.

With vanity publishing houses setting up a business, you can write and put out your book in the market with minimal financial investment. Many vanity publishing houses offer better profit for each book sold than a traditional publishing house. But there is a way for you to even spend zero bucks and still put your book out in the market: Write an E-Book. In the age of digital technology, physical copies of books are not the only way to read a book.

A large percentage of readers have moved to digital reading. Platforms like Amazon let you publish your eBook on their platform for free. This means that you can write a book and market it on Amazon. The more purchases your book has, the more money you earn. However, an interesting thing to note here is that you don’t have to write just one book and be done with it.

You can continuously keep writing books on new topics. With each new book you put out, a new reader finds out about your older work and your sales increase. When it comes to books, you can write fiction books or non-fiction books. The choice is yours.

Sell Stock Photos

If you have ever worked in the entertainment industry, or someone you know has, you will know that stock photos are always in demand.

There are special websites dedicated to helping businesses get royalty-free photos. But here’s the thing, if the photo is royalty-free, it does not mean it’s free. It only means that once someone pays for it, it’s theirs and they can use it however they want. Stock photo websites have paid subscription models for businesses for each photo they download.

You can click these stock photos and create a seller profile. The more businesses and freelance individuals download your photos, the more money you’ll earn. And the more photos you sell in a diverse range of fields, you’ll cater to a large audience.

After some years, this also becomes a steady income because your photos are popular and businesses are regularly downloading.

Sell Stock Music

Similar to websites that sell stock photos, there are websites that are sell stock music. They range from long instrumentals to short sound effects. This music is majorly helpful to small filmmakers who cannot afford copyrighted music.

For those who watch movies, they know how important background music is in a movie to have an emotional impact. If you know a musical instrument, you can record stock music in the comfort of your bedroom and sell it online.

Earning is something that seems very difficult. It is difficult, but not as much as it is made out to be. If you put in honest and dedicated hard work, it lays a strong foundation stone for your business.

It will become easier to earn money because you have a strong foundation. And if you want to earn via creative ways, you know 14 of them. Take your picks and start earning. Good luck.

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